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Gostamos de saber a opinião dos nossos clientes e de partilhá-la com quem nos quer visitar.


Moov Hotel Porto Norte


Na chegada fomos bem recebidos, acomadoções satisfatórias, café da manhã, água e energia elétrica mas sem internet. Como fomos avisado que devido ao ocorrido no RS o hotel estava sem internet, nos programamos para levarmos nossa Starlink para nos atender. Ao solicitar a uma pessoa da recepção, fomos mau atendidos o mesmo que se declarou partidario do PT e nos deixou esperando por 5 horas para liberar a instalação da Starlink. Mesmo no meio de uma situação tão complexa vivida pelo povo gaúcho, ainda vivemos com pessoas que demonstram sua intolerância. Desta forma ficamos eu e meus colegas decepcionados, fomos ajudar os irmão no RS e sermos tratados desta forma? Peço a gentileza que o hotel tome as devidas ações pois será pouco provável que iremos retornar em um hotel que trate seus hóspedes desta forma.



Boas Acomodações


Peggy Bodine

We checked into the Moov hotel after a series of bad BnB’s. We stayed for 5 days here while we explored Lisbon and the surrounding areas. This was the best thing we have done for some time.
The room was clean and the staff exceptional!! I especially want to thank Rita and the front desk staff for being very helpful and accommodating. Housekeeping was also very good.
We met many great travelers and made new friends here.
The price was very fair. I would strongly suggest others to stay at this property.


Rodrigo Castilhos

Moov Porto Alegre, excelente estada, check-in lento, quarto limpo e muito organizado.
Equipe atenciosa, achei o salão do café pequeno demais para o numero de hospedes.


Peggy Bodine

We checked into the Moov hotel after a series of bad BnB’s. We stayed for 5 days here while we explored Lisbon and the surrounding areas. This was the best thing we have done for some time.
The room was clean and the staff exceptional!! I especially want to thank Rita and the front desk staff for being very helpful and accommodating. Housekeeping was also very good.
We met many great travelers and made new friends here.
The price was very fair. I would strongly suggest others to stay at this property.


Peggy Bodine

We checked into the Moov hotel after a series of bad BnB’s. We stayed for 5 days here while we explored Lisbon and the surrounding areas. This was the best thing we have done for some time.
The room was clean and the staff exceptional!! I especially want to thank Rita and the front desk staff for being very helpful and accommodating. Housekeeping was also very good.
We met many great travelers and made new friends here.
The price was very fair. I would strongly suggest others to stay at this property.


Peggy Bodine

We checked into the Moov hotel after a series of bad BnB’s. We stayed for 5 days here while we explored Lisbon and the surrounding areas. This was the best thing we have done for some time.
The room was clean and the staff exceptional!! I especially want to thank Rita and the front desk staff for being very helpful and accommodating. Housekeeping was also very good.
We met many great travelers and made new friends here.
The price was very fair. I would strongly suggest others to stay at this property.


Moov Hotel Oeiras

Peggy Bodine

We checked into the Moov hotel after a series of bad BnB’s. We stayed for 5 days here while we explored Lisbon and the surrounding areas. This was the best thing we have done for some time.
The room was clean and the staff exceptional!! I especially want to thank Rita and the front desk staff for being very helpful and accommodating. Housekeeping was also very good.
We met many great travelers and made new friends here.
The price was very fair. I would strongly suggest others to stay at this property.



Muito bem atendido por todos os atendentes

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